Student Employee Hiring Guidance – Effective 3.26.20

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is new guidance regarding recruitment processes including new and current searches, interviews, offers, and new hires for Student Help positions. These provisions are in effect until UW-Madison can resume normal operations or until new provisions are issued.

  • Effective immediately, new recruitment for all positions are suspended until further notice. This includes any action to promote job opportunities, solicit applications, interview, or offer employment for a student help position.
  • Student Help roles cannot be identified as essential, on-site employees.
  • Recruitment currently in progress or approved prior to 3/26/2020 may continue only if all functions of the role can be performed remotely.
    • All Interviews should be conducted using a virtual platform rather than in-person. No interview should be extended if it cannot be offered virtually.
    • Offers may only be extended to student help if the hiring process can be completed remotely and there is an ability for the new employee to receive training and execute job duties remotely.
      • Note – As of March 20, 2020, the federal government provided guidance on the I-9 that allows it to be completed virtually.  Work with your Divisional HR if you have questions on this guidance.
    • If unable to complete the hiring process, perform on-boarding or execute the job duties remotely, the applicant pool must be notified of this delay until UW-Madison can resume normal operations.

Contact if you have questions on virtual options or need assistance sending communication to applicants through the Student Jobs platform. Exemptions to hire new Student Help into roles that can work remotely will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Student Employment Team.