Human Development & Family Studies

The Early Childhood Health Consultation program is in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Family and Children, housed at the UW-Madison School of Human Ecology, and funded by the Preschool Development Grant. The goal of the program is to support early childhood care and education providers by offering a reliable place to ask health-related questions and ultimately promote best practices for the health and safety of children across Wisconsin.


  • Written and oral communication
  • Organization and leadership surrounding personally led project
  • Effective collaboration, including offering and receiving feedback
  • Interest in improving the health & safety for children

• Project Development
o Tailored to unique interest (such as content development, social media campaign, outreach initiatives)
o Outlined timeline with milestones
o Tangible outcome/product at end of term

• Collaboration with ECHC team
o Weekly, virtual team meetings
o Tailored discussions with various roles to discuss career journey and answer questions specific to intern’s interest
(including UW-Madison undergraduate & graduate students, Registered Nurse, and pediatrician)
o Weekly, 1:1 meetings with Project Manager to answer ongoing questions and support intern

  • Early childhood careers
  • Child development
  • Public health