Looking for a position within the Madison area? We post thousands of part-time employment opportunities at local private and public employers. The majority of these employers are conveniently located within the Madison area and are looking for students, just like you! To look for jobs at employers within the community, simply click on the button below!
How to Apply for Non-UW Jobs
The Apply Now button on non-UW positions will take you to the platform or website that the organization uses to collect applications for positions.
Be sure to read the application instructions carefully to ensure you are considered for the position you may be interested in.
How to Navigate the Search for a Non-UW Job
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Beware of Fraud!
Unfortunately, there are people who try to take advantage of those on the job market. The Madison area has amazing opportunities, but you will want to be sure to keep an eye out for those who are not serving your best interest.
Prior to accepting any employment, we encourage students to research the employer and obtain objective information about the employer for the position posted.
Consider Location
Much of Madison is extremely accessible via the Metro buses. As a student you can take advantage of your free Metro bus pass to help you in getting to community-based jobs. Consider whether an off-campus job is close to a bus line or where you live in your search for the right opportunity.
Consider an Organization's Mission
It can be important to recognize your values as they relate to the organization you are working for. Remember, you’re balancing a lot with classes as well! You can do it, but be sure to take the time to ensure it is the right fit.