Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Questionnaire
Questionnaire used to determine eligibility of prospective Federal Work-Study partners.
File: Off-Campus-Federal-Work-Study-Questionnaire.pdfQuestionnaire used to determine eligibility of prospective Federal Work-Study partners.
File: Off-Campus-Federal-Work-Study-Questionnaire.pdfStudent Employee COVID-19 Workplace Safety Policy Summary
File: Student-Employee-COVID-19-Workplace-Safety-Summary.pdfList of all the places on UW's campus where students can continue their learning and professional development journey.
File: Student-Professional-Development-Toolkit_3.23.21-1.pdfFederal Work-Study Newsletter, Off-Campus Opportunities 2019
File: FWS-Newsletter-May-2019.pdfList of all the places on UW's campus where supervisors of student employees can continue their learning and professional development journey.
File: Supervisor-Professional-Development-Toolkit_3.23.21.pdfCore questions used for WiGROW conversations.
File: WiGrow-Form.pdfProvides a detailed an comprehensive introduction and overview of the WiGROW program. Intended for 2020-2021 academic year.
File: WiGROW-Supervisor-Handbook-2020-2021.pdfWiGROW Supervisor Handbook 2021-2022
File: WiGROW-Supervisor-Handbook-2021-2022.pdfExcel spreadsheet to keep track of WiGROW conversations completed.
File: Sample-WiGrow-Database.xlsx